I recently hit a situation where I needed to sort an array of ActiveRecord objects on a particular attribute. The catch was that in this case the array started out with the results of a find operation - but then it had a bunch more transient objects added to it that weren't part of the database. Fortunately the Array#sort method makes short work of this. Given an array a of objects with an entry_date attribute:

[sourcecode language='ruby']
a.sort! {|x,y| x.entry_date <=> y.entry_date}

Because this was the only sort I needed on this particular model, I decided to push the operation right down into the model:

[sourcecode language='ruby']
class Receipt < ActiveRecord::Base
def <=> (other)
entry_date <=> other.entry_date

Then the sort is much simpler:

[sourcecode language='ruby']

Note that this technique only makes sense if your array isn't coming straight from the database. If you are retrieving records from the database, you're better off including an :order clause in your finder to let the database do the sorting.