Double Shot #761
4AM really is the best time to be awake in the suburbs.
- PageKite - Another service to make a personal server available to the wide wide Internet.
- fancyBox 2 - Complete rewrite of this jQuery plugin for image zooming with new features and a new (non-commercial) license.
- hub - Gem that wraps git in GitHub-specific functionality (like cherry-picking from GitHub URLs).
- Relish - Online "living documentation" by organizing and prettyfying your app's Cucumber features.
- Dillinger - Open source cloud-enabled HTML5 Markdown editor.
- Firebug 1.9b2 - New beta for your debugging pleasure. My experience with Firebug betas is that they've been very stable, so give it a whirl.
- rails_mongo_blank_project - A quick start with Rails 3.1, MongoDB, MongoMapper, Devise, CanCan, OmniAuth, and Twitter Bootstrap.
- Moxy - "Programmable mock proxy", that is, a Rack-based server that lets you tell it what to return for testing purposes.
- Felix's Node.js Guide - Lots of material here, including a beginner's guide and a style guide.
- snowday - Test result formatter for RSpec featuring snowmen.
- Jenx - OS X monitor for Jenkins with Growl integration.
- Direct Post Method - Authorize.Net's equivalent to the Braintree transparent redirect.
- Debugging with Pry - A technique I keep meaning to learn. Pry is also usable within Rails.
- powser - Browser-based UI to the powder CLI to manage the Pow web server.
- Tasks - Review of to-do apps that run on IOS/OS X. Tempts me to go back to OmniFocus again, but…this piece of paper is doing pretty well for me right now.
- Choices to make in a new Rails project - My own opinions. How about yours?
- Firefox - tons of tools for web developers! - A list of extension goodies.
- JSON Builder - Gem solution similar to the existing XML Builder in Rails.