Double Shot #763
The year looks to be closing on a hopeful business note; crossing my fingers that not all hopes are dashed.
- nO_op - "Judgmental tap" for Ruby. Deserves a place in ActiveSupport.
- US judge orders hundreds of sites "de-indexed" from Google, Facebook - Might as well have been headlined "US judge is clueless about the Internet." Stuff like this makes me think that within five years I'll have migrated all servers and services I depend on to some other jurisdiction.
- Capified: Painless Deployment for Free - A basic Capistrano tutorial. If you're looking to extend cap, check out rubaidhstrano and superdeploy as well.
- noeqd - Slightly-less random GUID generation - yes, there are reasons you might want your GUIDs to be sortable.
- Alfred 1.0 is here! - The task launcher (and more) that I'm using now hits a milestone. Definitely worth paying for.
- Getting Started with Sass - A fairly deep dive, for people who already know CSS.
- The State of Ruby ORM - A quick look at the leading contenders, with some thoughts about the future.