Two Christmas parties this week. Be still my beating heart.

  • Google Currents - Yet another entry in the "Build your own news magazine" app space.
  • Bullet - Gem to watch for inefficient N+1 queries, now updated for Rails 3.1.
  • What you should know about rbenv and RVM - From one of the RVM contributors, so take that into account.
  • Arcadia - IDE for Ruby in a cross-platform gem.
  • Forbes is wrong about "Developernomics" - Yeah, they are. Especially amusing to read the comments, where people who don't know him assume Larry O'Brien isn't familiar with the field.
  • Caterwaul - "a Javascript recompiler that lets you change the semantics of functions." Personally, I have enough trouble with normal Javascript.
  • Web Applications - Stanford Open Classroom course from John Ousterhout that uses Rails in its syllabus.
  • repmgr - Replication Manager for PostgreSQL 9+ clusters.
  • TonidoPlug2 - "Cloud in a plug" for your own network sharing.
  • Vim: revisited - My brain clearly does not work like Mislav's, but if yours does there's plenty of advice on effective Vim fundamentals here.