• Textmate 2 Tips - A collection of info from help files, figuring stuff out, and other sources.
  • DCI for dummies - In case the Wikipedia article I pointed to on Friday made your eyes glaze over.
  • Introducting Graphiti: An Alternate Frontend for Graphite - This looks like a pretty nice way to generate graphs from Ruby + Javascript.
  • SOLID JavaScript: The Single Responsibility Principle - First of a series on the SOLID design principles and their use in structuring your JavaScript.
  • bahia - Some sauce for adding acceptance tests for command-line utilities.
  • tabulous - Nice little gem for tabbed navigation in Rails projects, though the configuration is a bit…different from that for most things.
  • statuscats - Hopefully this will pass quickly, but until it does, here's Rack middleware to serve pictures of cats corresponding to HTTP status codes.
  • riaknostic - Diagnostic tools for Riak.
  • Sleep Deficit: The Performance Killer - No matter how much I understand this, it's tough to act on. One thing I have found useful is to play something like Tetris or Bejeweled for a few minutes when I'm feeling tired. If I can't get anywhere near my usual scores, I know I'm too tired for client work.
  • A Survey of the Rails Ecosystem - Dan Adams offers his opinions on what's out there. Plenty of links to choose from, too.