Double Shot #783
Things don't really seem to have slowed down this week.
- Presto - "A simple web framework aimed at speed and simplicity" built on top of Rack. The "inline testing" approach is interesting.
- IP over LEGO train carrier - Put a few more cars on this, add some switching, and you could actually end up with a pretty good classroom demo.
- Introducing filer.js - Javascript wrapper library for the HTML5 Filesystem API.
- DNS taking 48+ hours to propagate is a myth - If you're checking your newly-registered site in a browser you're doing it wrong.
- Vim for Rails Developers - Well, for Rails developers who like that sort of thing. $15 screencast from Thoughtbot.
- TouchDB-iOS - CouchDB-compatible embeddable database engine for mobile apps.
- Launching multiple Firefox profiles on OS X using applescript - Handy if you're doing things like testing extensions.
- jQuery-inlog - Console debugging extension for jQuery that shows function inputs, outputs, and context.
- Hackasaurus - Another place for kids to get started playing with the web. Check out their X-ray Goggles tool, which lets you alter web pages and easily publish the results.
- FUSE for Mac OS X - Open-source (and currently maintained) successor to MacFUSE.
- GEB - Subreddit that's planning a group read-through of Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. I wish I thought I had time for this.
- m - New Test::Unit runner that lets you select a test to run by line number. Ruby 1.9 only.
- wicked - Gem to coerce Rails controllers into running a wizard-style workflow, complete with conditional logic to choose steps to run.