Double Shot #978
Camping time again, and not a moment too soon.
- 3D Sculptures in Firefox - Amusing experiment with Firefox's visualization tools.
- Lazy User Registration for Rails Apps - Implemented with Devise.
- Wercker - Continuous deployment system with Github and cloud ties, now in beta.
- Sisyphus - Javascript library to save partially-completed forms to LocalStorage.
- CQRS - Frequently Asked Questions - That's "Command-Query Responsibility Segregation."
- Capistrano + Rails + Bundler + RVM + Unicorn + EC2 - Deploying Rails to EC2 for scalability.
- Scripted: A Javascript Editor from VMWare - HTML/JS/CSS based editor running locally on a node.js instance, with source in GitHub.
- DaTtSs - statsd + graphite as a service.
- Moving forward with the Rails asset pipeline - Changes that are coming in Rails 4.0.
- Object-Oriented file importing and parsing - Using fancy stuff like dependency injection.
- Using data-* attributes in JavaScript and CSS - Yes, you can write CSS selectors that target those attributes.