Double Shot #1000
Seriously? A thousand of these? I must be nuts.
- Rake 10.0 Released - And leaps multiple versions in a mighty bound.
- Convert Syck to Psych YAML format - Automating away some of the pain of upgrading.
- Rails 3.2.9 has been released! - Time for another round of version upgrades.
- Being for the Benefit of Future Developer - Things you can do in your project to make life easier down the road.
- Comment your damn code - I'm firmly in agreement with this one.
- Tent Roadmap - Where the Tent protocol is going. I'm following this with interest.
- Running - Helpers for finding out which version of Ruby is running the current code.
- pathod - "A pathological HTTP daemon for testing and torturing client software."
- Wingman - Desktop app that translates git and GitHub into things like features, bugs, and releases.
- The Death Star Design Pattern - I've seen this one in action.
- Skate - Search for Tent posts.