Why I'm opposed to Codes of Conduct: I fear a race to be holier than thou, a world where everyone who does not stay perfectly aligned with a party line set by the most intolerant gets attacked and dismissed. I am troubled by the trend to protect people from being challenged by diverse ideas, and I hold (with John Stuart Mill) that a vibrant marketplace of ideas - even odious ideas - is our best guarantee of continued freedom and intellectual progress.

  • A Salute to Solo Programmers - It's hard for me to read this without thinking that our industry has gone far, far down the wrong path. Of course, I think that most of the time anyhow. But there could have been a world in which impressively functional applications were small & nearly bug-free.
  • httpie - CLI tool for making HTTP requests designed to be simpler to use than cURL.
  • Writ - "Opinionated, classless styles for semantic HTML" - In other words, a better default stylesheet than your browser uses by itself.