• System Tester - Tool that works with a Chrome extension to automate the production of system tests for Rails 5.1+. It's nice to see Rails testing start to move beyond just writing everything by hand.
  • Double-check Bitcoin addresses when pasting - Analysis of another charming bit of malware. Always new ways to have your money stolen.
  • Serverless Stack - One of the better tutorials I've seen, this one covers hooking up Serverless and React and AWS Lambda. Also has lots of little real-world touches that make it more than just a toy.
  • Take the Journey: Build Your First Serverless Web Application - Amazon has their own tutorial out on the subject as well.
  • Tech companies: these are the perks (and benefits) I want. - Tara Hackley nails it. I would LOVE to see more salary transparency and fewer kegs. If your company offers these things, I'm still looking.
  • Maintainer.io - Open source project maintanence as a service. They promise to make your project work more smoothly, help triage issues, and defuse conflicts.
  • Kap - Free & open source screen recorder built on top of WebRTC, macOS only. Hat tip to Syntax for this one.