• Devflow - Independently-provisioned continuous delivery test URLs for every branch in your source code control. Currently in beta for PHP hosted at GitHub, but with ambitious plans for the future.
  • How to GraphQL - "The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL". Lots of technology stuff here that I should probably learn as long as I'm on the bench.
  • Seashells - Experimental service to pipe output from a command-line program direct to a temporary URL on the web.
  • Two-factor authentication is a mess - Yes, yes it is. There are some recommendations here along with a look at how we got into this mess.
  • Choosing a frontend framework in 2017 - A discussion of Ember, Angular, React, and Polymer, set against the history of the past 10 years of JavaScript development.
  • Makara - Generic master/slave proxy that handles things like choosing and blacklisting connections. Comes with an ActiveRecord database adapter.
  • Sidekiq::Logstash - Turn your Sidekiq log into JSON syntax, ready to go to a logstash server.
  • Elixir v1.5.0-rc.1 released - I lack the expertise to pinpoint the significant changes here, but with that version number I'm sure there are some.
  • DogWatch - Ruby DSL for creating DataDog monitors.