Double Shot #2038
- Rainbow Deploys with Kubernetes - The logical successor to blue-green deployments: use ALL the colors!
- Running a modern infrastructure on Kubernetes - A quick look at a lot of ancillary things like service discovery, monitoring, and logging.
- GraphQL Introduction & Quick Guide for BackEnd & FrontEnd - A rather whirlwind tour but enough to give you the flavor.
- GhostText - Chrome & Firefox extensions, along with various editor add-ins, to allow using text editors to fill in browser fields.
- Ruby concurrency: building a timeout queue - Build a queue with blocking pop behavior that only blocks until it times out.
- Takehome - Coding challenges as a service.
- Test, Measure, Learn: What Agile Testing Metrics Can Teach You about Your Testing Process - Basic but important.
- Fork and Pull Request Workflow - A pretty deep dive into the most popular style of open source project management on GitHub.