Double Shot #2096
- AWS Command line: S3 content from stdin or to stdout - Some tips for more efficient streaming to or from AWS S3.
- The Erlang Runtime System - A reasonably deep dive into BEAM and related topics.
- Gitea - Self-hosted git that can run most anywhere.
- Is K8s Too Complicated? - Yes. But so is everything else.
- GDPR RAILS - Rails engine for GDPR compliance.
- Today in Dunning-Krugerrand News - Every technically competent person I know without an ax to grind has concluded Bitcoin is somewhere between a stupid idea and an outright scam. Maybe that should tell you something.
- Build your own 'insert technology here' - Links to a whole bunch of technology tutorials to help you learn by doing.
- GDPR will pop the adtech bubble - I'd like to think this is true. I spent some time working in adtech. I'm not proud of it.