Double Shot #2187
- Falcon - "Falcon is a multi-process, multi-fiber rack-compatible HTTP server" for Ruby applications.
- Faktory - A work server to distribute jobs across multiple machines.
- Testing best practices - From the folks at GitLab.
- A History of .NET Runtimes - There have been more of them than you might think.
- Why Are Enterprises So Slow? - An introduction to the "Polygon of despair." So very, very true. Also so very, very sad when small and midsize companies think they need to act this way.
- Introducing Action Text for Rails 6 - Opinionated textareas, coming soon to a framework near you.
- LSP - "Language Server Protocol support for Sublime Text 3." I should probably look into this.
- Git Submodule Vulnerability Announced - Yep, another one.