Double Shot #2215
- Using random number generators to solve problems - A fun little exercise in Ruby code optimization.
- Generating Software Tests - Ebook in progress on test fuzzing techniques.
- Future-Proofing Backend Services with GraphQL, PostgreSQL and Docker (Part 1) - An experience in moving from NoSQL and REST to SQL and GraphQL.
- Cross-language Performance Profile Exploration with speedscope - A new tool to help analyze performance data from a variety of profilers.
- Spectre.css - A lightweight responsive CSS framework.
- No more hassle with Rails secret management/a></strong> - Work is ongoing to standardize secure credentials handling.</li>
- Everything You Need To Know About Networking On AWS - Well, maybe not everything, but a basic introduction.
- 7 Code Review Best Practices and Dynamics You Can Identify and Act On: Part 1 - Some patterns in code reviews that indicate process issues.