Double Shot #2252
- FaaStRuby 0.4 adds support for Ruby 2.6.0 and… Crystal 0.27.0! - An update from the serverless site aimed specifically at Ruby developers.
- Guesstimate - "A spreadsheet for things that aren't certain." I want to look at this as an estimating tool.
- Xtext - A language engineering framework that gives you "parser, linker, typechecker, compiler as well as editing support for Eclipse, any editor that supports the Language Server Protocol and your favorite web browser."
- Monorepos: Please don’t! - The latest iteration of "you are not Google."
- The Firecracker virtual machine monitor - A dive into some of the code Amazon released.
- Jetpack - "Jetpack wraps webpack to create a smoother developer experience."
- Big ol’ Ball o’ JavaScript - Personally I hope that in a few years we look back at shit like React and NPM and say "what WERE we thinking?"
- AWS App Mesh — First Take -Kicking the tires on one of Amazon's new announcements.