Double Shot #2266
- Building trust in teams: What and why? - We talk about high-functioning teams having trust, but ever think about what that means?
- How I use my Raspberry Pis to help me work on with my side projects - Pi for all!
- Zeitwerk: A new code loader for Ruby - The classic Rails autoloader is going to go the way of the dodo.
- What exactly do developer advocates do? - Quite a lot, despite the stupid prejudices of some uninformed developers.
- Our Software Dependency Problem - A deep dive into the mess that headlong module reuse and tree-style dependency managers have put us into.
- Yarn's Future - v2 and beyond - Big plans, including becoming a pluggable package manager for things other than Node.
- Queueing theory - Some basics that I'm surprised more developers don't already know.
- Decolonizing Silicon Valley: The critical role of inclusion in tech - Software companies could actually make a cultural difference, if we can stop focusing on this Unicorn nonsense for a little while.