Double Shot #2269
- Some delightful developer experiences in 2019. - There are a whole pile of rabbit holes to explore in this post.
- Awesome Software Patreons - Curated list of software-related Patreon accounts.
- MySQL client allows MySQL server to request any local file - Don't connect to untrusted servers.
- Staying Safe with Open Source - Attacks against open source ecosystems are real, serious, and underdiscussed.
- On Accountability - Hint: it doesn't mean punishing people.
- Design Patterns for Managing Up - Ways to deal with some challenging interactions with your boss.
- WebAuthn - Another technology I really should learn one of these days.
- Streaming HTTP for Ruby/a></strong> - "We present async-http, a modern, streaming HTTP client and server supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and SSL out of the box."</li> </ul>