Double Shot #2276
- React as a UI Runtime - Digging into the workings of React.
- Mermaid Live Editor - Generate diagrams and flow charts from a structured text file.
- Opportunity Cost for developers — or how I stopped worrying about the future and learned to code for the present - Think about what you're not doing when you try to "future-proof" code.
- Heaven's Door - Generate capybara test scripts by recording browser actions.
- Preload, Eager Load, Includes and Joins in Ruby on Rails - In case you're fuzzy about what the differences are.
- React v16.8: The One With Hooks - Major new functionality has landed in React stable.
- Dear CEO: Your Feel-Good Diversity Initiative is Undermined By Every Other Way You’re Doing Business - Many parts of this industry are still a spectacular failure on the diversity front.
- Introducing: @pika/pack - A new NPM package builder.