Double Shot #2281
- So you want to be a wizard - A conference talk from Julia Evans, with slides & transcript. Yes, you can learn how to learn and be a wizard.
- Coaching Tools – The One on One - Specifically written for managers of Product Managers, but there are pieces here with wider applicability.
- Introducing swc 1.0 - A faster alternative to babel in the javascript-to-javascript world.
- Principled GraphQL - A set of best practices for working with GraphQL.
- DeskGap - An alternative to Electron that depends on native webviews plus Node.
- (Anti-)Application Video for YC120 2019 - Deconstructing the nonsense that is the YCombinator application. Thank you Bryan Cantrill.
- Weird Ruby - Odds and ends in the language that you might not know about.
- Who could be your Jeff Dean? - Some thoughts about implementing the Principal Engineer role in an organization.