Double Shot #2282
- share your git hooks and config - Setting things up for uniformity on a software development team.
- Redmond Themes repository - Want to make your Linux look like some flavor of Windows? It's a free country I guess.
- Announcing Linaria 1.0 - "Linaria is a zero-runtime CSS in JS library. What’s special about Linaria is that it extracts all of the styles you write in your JavaScript code to real CSS files."
- SQL: One of the Most Valuable Skills - It's certainly served me well over the years.
- Create and install SSL certificates with ease – a Capistrano plugin (revised) - A set of tasks to handle some of the tedium.
- Caching beyond RAM: Riding the cliff - There's work going on to extend memcached to flash devices.
- Marp - Markdown Presentation Writer, a cross-platform (Electron) application to construct slides with Markdown.
- Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms - Amen to that.