• Data Versioning - Digging into some of the complexities of versioning machine learning models, and how that impacts continuous delivery.
  • Volt - "Fast native desktop client for all major web services" like Twitter, Slack, and Discord (among others). Those of an age will be reminded of Adium.
  • No, the problem isn’t “bad coders” - We're well past the poiunt where we can expect developers in a changing program to catch all bugs.
  • Observatron - "A prototype exploratory testing observation tool for Chrome browser." Automatically save screenshots and MHTML as you browse, to make it easier to recreate what you did.
  • WireGuard for macOS - UI client for this modern, secure VPN tunneling software.
  • Farewell to fsync(): 10× faster database tests with Docker - Your test database doesn't have to store data forever so why take the overhead to do so?
  • What’s new in PostgreSQL 11 - Notably, renewed leadership in SQL Window Functions.
  • Data science is different now - Digging into the skills you actually need, by Vicki Boykis (who has been doing this stuff for a long time).