Double Shot #2300
- EditorConfig - A tool to help maintain consistent coding styles even if your team is using diverse editors & IDEs.
- @pika/web - Another approach to handling NPM dependencies in your web code.
- Deno - "A browser-like command line runtime" to provide a different way to think about scripting.
- You Should Not Ignore the Mastodon Social Network Any More - There are over 2 million Mastodon users now.
- Vulcanizer: a library for operating Elasticsearch - Code from GitHub to operate a cluster (as opposed to querying it).
- 15 lessons from our first $15 million - Courtesy of ConvertKit. My favorite: "You don’t have to be an asshole to build a successful company."
- chunkwm - A tiling window manager for MacOS.
- Chief Diversity Officers Are Set Up To Fail - So says Fortune, summarizing a research report. Seems like one of those areas that should be everyone's business, not delegated to a single person to drive.
- "Oh What a Strange Month it has Been" - Another dismal story about diversity from the high-tech trenches.
- Growth, but at what cost? - Sometimes it's at a cost that no sensible organization would pay.
- Quality of Code is Quality of Life - You're writing code for other people to maintain. Keep that in mind.
- Chrome as a service for Rails testing - Replacing capybara-webkit.