Double Shot #2304
- Technical Debt is like Tetris - If you let too much pile up, you'll lose the game.
- Taming the Rate of Change - What might it take to improve stability without sacrificing speed?
- MicroServices - Check Size Before Ordering - If you're not having coordination problems, microservices might be a really bad idea.
- Firefox Send - Simple file sharing with automatic encryption and time-limited links. Here's the announcement. The source is available too. And there's also a third-party command-line client out there.
- Sublime Text 3.2 - Now with pretty solid built-in git integration.
- How testing processes should change when you shift left - Testing early and often is a big piece of delivering value quickly & continuously.
- Add It Up: C-suite Doesn’t Have a Clue About App Dev - All too often true.
- Give Me Back My Monolith - We're starting to see some more skeptical takes on microservices now.
- Putting AWS security services to work for you - Security is hard, but if you're on AWS you're probably not using all the available tools.
- Dumbass Home 2.0 - A deep dive into the craptacular mess that is home automation. Personally, I say it's spinach and I say the hell with it, but this is a pretty good survey of possibilities and pitfalls.
- Making the Most of Your First Three Months as a New Manager - Some things to take advantage of in your honeymoon period.