Born for it - Digging into history helps illuminate how the tilt of software developers towards antisocial males came about in the first place.
HTML5 Periodical Table - The chemistry major in me says "no it's not" but still a reasonable graphic presentation that categorizes the tags that you may or may not know.
Growth in Fear - Amazing post from Emily Freeman, taking the time to be vulnerable about her personal history (not just in tech, but from day one). Stick with it to the end if you're worrying about whether you're good enough.
Rules for Autocomplete - Designing a good autocomplete function is harder than you might think.
jrnl - Command-line journaling application. I'm a big fan of keeping a "lab notebook" of dev work, whether paper, GUI, or plain text file (I use Bear Notes myself).
Technology Radar Vol. 2 - A nice example from Porsche, together with some of the thinking that went into it.