Double Shot #2313
- Lambda optimization tip – enable HTTP keep-alive - Specifically when working with DynamoDB.
- John Maeda: “In reality, design is not that important” - Some rethnking from the head of inclusion and computational design at Automattic.
- Agile as a Corollary to Twyman’s Law - "In software, the greatest source of waste is building the wrong thing, period, not building the right thing slowly, not building the wrong thing slowly, just flat-out building non-value-adding crap."
- Ops School Curriculum - A crowdsourced outline and reference of knowledge for operations engineers.
- Was MongoDB Ever the Right Choice? - Making tech decisions by following the cool kids isn't always the smartest thing you can possibly do.
- Rails 5.1.7 has been released and Rails 5.2.3 has been released - Go forth and patch.
- Why bother with What Three Words? - "W3W is a closed product. It is a for-profit company masquerading as an open standard. And that annoys me."
- Merging OpenTracing and OpenCensus: Goals and Non-Goals - Two standards that hope to become one.