Double Shot #2319
- Strive for Software Autonomy, not just Process Automation - Thinking about what the goals for devops should be.
- gitstatus - A faster implementation of git status information for your prompt.
- Why your Docker multi-stage build is surprisingly slow - How to cache intermediate stages to speed things up.
- Indexes in PostgreSQL — 1 - A pretty deep dive into PostgreSQL internals.
- Introducing the New Chef: 100% Open, Always - The new model is all open source software, with a licensed enterprise distribution.
- What comes after “open source” - Steve Klabnik doesn't have an answer, but he speculates that it's time to move on from just thinking about license distinctions.
- Editor.js - Free editor for web content that composes HTML from independent blocks.
- Web-Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Agile Estimation - Looking at another way to present the uncertainty of delivery times.
- Agile Lite: Agile without all the burnout - "Agile without all the burnout." I don't buy the implied premise, but if you take away that attacks on some straw-man version of agile, there are some interesting ideas here.
- email + git = <3 - A tutorial on using the email functionality of git.
- Refactoring Backend Engineering Hiring at Slack - Hiring, a subject that never grows old, probably because it is so badly broken all across software development. Personally I wouldn't brag about averaging 83 days to hire, but I'm the impatient sort.