Double Shot #2337
- The RSpec Style Guide: Reloaded - Code style is one of those areas where the Ruby community's vaunted "we are nice" breaks down pretty quickly.
- Beehive - A self-hosted agent system (kinda like If This Than That).
- Uppy 1.0: Your best friend in file uploading - A full-featured JS file uploader.
- IBM Agile Thought Leader - Certification as self-parody.
- Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML - A good thing, but you'll probably pry the divs out of my cold dead hands (after a real web developer kills me for still usign br tags).
- 5 things to consider when creating your CSS style guide - Things you should think about before descending into inconsistent CSS hell.
- When Does an Investigation End? - How do you know when you're finished with an incident?
- By Default, Ship Nothing - Learning and doing high-value work is more important the just keeping people busy.
- GitLab’s journey from Azure to GCP - Why and how they made the switch.
- Paying Cold, Hard Cash for Open Source Contributions - How one company encourages its engineers.
- Announcement: Amazon S3 will no longer support path-style API requests starting September 30th, 2020 - Something to be aware of if you're a long-time S3 user.