• Seeing Through Silicon Valley’s Shameless ‘Disruption’ - Yeah, this.
  • Sampler - A way to build charts of the results of shell commands with configuration via YAML.
  • Artichoke - "Artichoke is a platform for building MRI-compatible Ruby implementations. Artichoke provides a Ruby runtime implemented in Rust that can be loaded into many VM backends."
  • OWASP Cheat Sheet Series - "a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics."
  • mobius3 - "Continuously and asynchronously sync a local folder to an S3 bucket."
  • bashblog-ng - A bash script for maintaining a blog, with many bells and whistles.
  • PartiQL - "SQL-compatible access to relational, semi-structured, and nested data." Note that this is an AWS effort, though at least somewhat open.
  • Toward a bastion-less world - If you're on AWS, you can leverage their infrastructure instead of building your own bastion hosts (or allowing direct SSH access to all your servers).