Double Shot #2407
- Reactive and Component Frameworks for "Old Fart" Programmers - A high-level conceptual overview.
- iTerm2: Showing the PHP, Ruby or Node version in your status bar - Custom status bars are a nice alternative to custom bash prompts.
- Improving our performance, accessibility, and SEO with Lighthouse audits - What you can discover through Chrome's devtools.
- Microservice Architecture at Medium - Thinking through high-level considerations.
- Our 6 Must Reads for Cutting Through Conflict and Tough Conversations - Conflict-resolution tactics you should know about in a small group setting.
- Introducing the PLONK Stack for Cloud Native Developers - Prometheus, Linker, OpenFaaS, NATS, Kubernetes.
- Hackathon Starter - A big heap o'Node.js boilerplate.
- All the best engineering advice I stole from non-technical people - Guidelines and thought starters for engineering managers.