Double Shot #2409
- Documentation - your secret weapon - Don't let agility (or laziness) be the enemy of maintainability.
- Don’t Underestimate Grep Based Code Scanning - You can spot a lot of problems without paying for fancy static analysis tools.
- Docker in 10 minutes - Basic concepts & commands.
- Introducing git-revise - An alternative to git-rebase for patch-based development.
- Object storage with Backblaze, Rclone, MinIO and s3cmd - Setting up backups on this stack.
- Using TensorFlow.js to Train a “Rock-Paper-Scissors” Model - A sort of Machine Learning "hello world."
- Why is modern web development so complicated? A long yet hasty explanation: Part 1! - I blame JavaScript.
- Fullstaq Ruby: First impressions, and how to migrate your Docker/Kubernetes Ruby apps today - Definitely worth a look if memory pressure is an issue for your application.