Double Shot #2434
- Making friends with RuboCop - How to get started without needing to fix All The Things at once.
- Ruby vs. Elixir —Which One to Choose and When? - Digging into pros and cons and use cases.
- Use Serverless AWS step functions to reduce VPC costs - An example of AWS's workflow tool.
- Stand-ups as a whip; Agile Software Development as a commodity - Some people really don't like the way agile is commonly practiced.
- If you’re not using SSH certificates you’re doing SSH wrong - As are many of us.
- Object-Oriented Programming — The Trillion Dollar Disaster - So sayeth a functional programming advocate.
- Remove Richard Stallman - It's really way past time for us to stop overlooking shitty behavior from Important Software People.
- Fullstaq Ruby epic 2 released: APT/YUM repo, Ruby 2.6.4 - A Ruby distribution optimized for server use cases.