Double Shot #2440
- Navi - "An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line."
- What's Wrong with the Tech Interview Process? - Mostly a roundup of antipatterns, with a few thoughts on moving forward.
- TypeValidator - "Adds type validation for classes with ActiveModel::Validations," which seems like it could be useful in some polymorphic schemas.
- GDPR RAILS - A Rails engine to make GDPR compliance easier.
- ActionviewPrecompiler - Test repo of template precompilation, which may make its way into a future Rails version.
- Architecting multiple microservices behind a single domain with Amazon API Gateway - Some useful potential architectures, assuming you're all-in on AWS.
- Seth Vargo says hell no—puts Chef on ICE - An interesting incident to consider, both from the ethics standpoint and from the supply-chain risk standpoint.
- The Cloud and Open Source - A look at the failures of open core business models from within AWS.
- Tools That Make Work Faster - One remote team's choices across multiple projects, with a recognition that one size does not fit all.