Double Shot #2460
- Rails 6.0 new framework defaults: what they do and how to safely uncomment them - A useful guide for the upgrade process.
- Network Perspective - Paid analysis tool to discover collaboration patterns in large repos.
- Ahh shhgit! - Mining git host APIs for accidental secret leakage.
- ET (Don't) Phone Home - An attempt at standardized labeling for web-connected devices. I have my own standard: don't bring this crap into my house.
- Weaponizing and Gamifying AI for WiFi Hacking: Presenting Pwnagotchi 1.0.0 - WiFi secrets capture with learning behavior in a cute portable package.
- Lesser Known Coding Fonts - From the obscure to the commercial. Failing vision means I no longer spend time messing with this sort of thing, but I fondly remember endlessly tweaking editors.
- Announcing TinaCMS - "We developers have hot-reloading, and Tina is the hot-reloading for content editors."
- 5G was a mistake - Well, yeah. But I'm a cynic sometimes too.
- قلب - "قلب is a programming language exploring the role of human culture in coding. Code is written entirely in Arabic, highlighting cultural biases of computer science and challenging the assumptions we make about programming." And I will be sad but not surprised if the language name doesn't render properly on this page.
- Getting Started with the PLONK Stack and Serverless 2.0 - Prometheus, linkerd, OpenFaaS, NATS, and Kubernetes.