Double Shot #2463
- Renata Ávila: “The Internet of creation disappeared. Now we have the Internet of surveillance and control” - The Internet is increasingly a human-rights issue.
- Dramatically reduced power usage in Firefox 70 on macOS with Core Animation - Yay, though I am seeing a spike in CPU hit when launching with dozens of tabs open. But I'm an outlier.
- My transition to an Ubuntu workstation. - One developer's list of pros and cons.
- Inside ADHD - A look at where bullet journaling originated.
- Using Web Bluetooth to communicate with Bluetooth devices - Another technology that I shudder to think about.
- Lowkiq - Sidekiq alternative that features strict-order processing and reliable queues.
- How to Write Good Documentation (And Its Essential Elements) - Software documentation is really many things together.
- Cloudflare considered harmful - A multi-faceted rant.
- The Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility - If only ANYTHING in this business were simple!
- Graphiti - "RESTful APIs for a GraphQL era."