Double Shot #2471
- The Project Jengo Saga: How Cloudflare Stood up to a Patent Troll – and Won! - I'm happy there are some organizations with deep pockets still fighting.
- Kafka Gotchas – The Must-Know - Some hard-earned knowledge here.
- Back to windows after twenty years - DHH tried. Spoiler alert: it did not go well.
- Cross domain session sharing in Rails - Part 1 and Cross domain session sharing in Rails - Part 2</strong> - Using devise to make life a bit easier for users.
- Build your own (insert technology here) - A bunch of links to tutorials to help understand how things work.
- Forecasting synthetic metrics. - A tool for judging future risk and iterating.
- Facebook Libra is Architecturally Unsound - Even apart from being an asinine idea in the first place.
- Why Standups are Useless and How to Run Great Product Team Meetings - There seems to be a growing anti-standup backlash these days. In an all-remote company, I still find them valuable.