Double Shot #2475
- GraphQLEditor - "Create a schema by joining visual blocks. GraphQLEditor will transform them into code."
- Optimize your Front End Applications by migrating from Moment to Dayjs - Smaller code with less functionality is good if you don't need more.
- The JS library distribution dilemma: NPM or URL? - Reasons why you might not want to just serve your code through a package manager.
- How to install GalliumOS on a chromebook using chrx - I run quite a bit of stuff on a Chromebook this way. It works. I suspect I could move to an all-online dev flow and never buy another expensive laptop.
- Updates to the Git Commit Graph Feature - Optimizations for very large repos that benefit all of us.
- Mirantis acquires Docker Enterprise - Might be about time to start thinking about a post-Docker world, since the flip side of this is that Docker dev tools are struggling.
- We Can Choose an Internet Without Surveillance - Mozilla is matching donations to Tor.
- The GitHub Arctic Code Vault - A cute PR stunt from GitHub: putting a code archive in Svalbard. Personally I think the seed vault is about a zillion times more likely to be useful in the end times.