Double Shot #2482
- Venture Capital Shill - Calling out free software one-true-wayism.
- BrowserGap Community Edition - Avoid internet crap entirely by proxying your browser to a remote computer.
- Inca — Message Tracing and Loss Detection For Streaming Data @Netflix - More big infrastructure that I don't need but enjoy reading about.
- Understanding the useEffect hook in React - Leveraging side effects for fun and profit.
- Gatsby on Rails - Lashing together Rails, GraphQL, Gatsby, Heroku, and other things to serve fast static pages from rarely-changing content.
- The Danger of “Simplicity” - You need to make some conscious choices about what to simplify, because our business involves complexity whether you like it or not.
- How we align our goals - An interesting visual approach to keeping everyone focused on the company's overall direction.
- How containers work: overlayfs - Julia Evans explains. Well-done as usual.
- The Kranz Dictum - Effective leadership in action after the Apollo 1 disaster.
- Personal and Social information of 1.2 billion people Discovered in Massive Data Leak - To a good first approximation, all of the personal data you've ever placed on the internet is available to hackers.
- 12 Common Mistakes and Missed Optimization Opportunities in SQL - Some dos and don'ts.
- Introducing Flan Scan: Cloudflare’s Lightweight Network Vulnerability Scanner - Wrapping nmap for easier use and deployment on large networks.
- Rails 5.2.4.rc1 has been released! - 5.2.4 is planned to be the final 5.2 bugfix release.
- PNGR Stack - "Dockerized (postgres + nginx + golang + react) starter kit."
- Why “Always use UTC” is bad advice - Sometimes you ned a representation that includes more than just an instant.