• Multi-branch CodePipeline strategy with event-driven architecture - Implmenting GitFlow entirely within AWS tools.
  • Computer Science from the Bottom Up - "In a nutshell, what you are reading is intended to be a shop class for computer science." A free online textbook to help you understand what's underneath the hood.
  • IncludeOS - "IncludeOS allows you to run your application in the cloud without an operating system. IncludeOS adds operating system functionality to your application allowing you to create performant, secure and resource efficient virtual machines."
  • Ruby Lazy Enumerators - Syntax I've never needed, but who knows what the future will bring (or what opportunities I've missed).
  • Wyze Exposes User Data via Unsecured ElasticSearch Cluster - Merry Christmas. Remember, IoT stands for "Internet of Trash."
  • Distributed systems learnings in 2019 - From one of Uber's engineering managers.
  • Truemail - "The Truemail gem helps you validate emails via regex pattern, presence of DNS records, and real existence of email account on a current email server."
  • Chromda - "Chromda is an AWS Lambda function for serverless capturing screenshots of websites." Trigger it via SQS, SNS, API Gateway or Cloudwatch events.