• Why build this blog - or anything - on IPFS? - An argument based on ownership, resilience, and elegance.
  • SimpleLogin - Backend for an open source email forwarding service. "SimpleLogin is a privacy-focused alternative to the 'Login with Facebook/Google/Twitter' buttons."
  • Roam: Why I Love It and How I Use It - A deep look at one of the currently-trending note-organization tools.
  • Fishbole - "With Fishbole, record high-quality video explanations alongside any PowerPoint, Google Slide, PDF, Image or Screen recording and share in minutes." Free for public content, paid for private.
  • Templates - For vision, strategy, pitch, and more.
  • Realworld - Fullstack Medium.com clone demo application with swappable front and backends in a variety of technologies.
  • What is an Agile Environment? - Some characteristics of agile companies.
  • Taco Bell Programming - An argument that "functionality is an asset, but code is a liability. This is the opposite of a trend of nonsense called DevOps."