Double Shot #2531
- AWS Security Documentation - The official list of links.
- Staying ahead of vulnerabilities in your repositories - You probably can't, but you should try anyhow.
- Anatomy of a Scam - I didn't know that scam pitch decks were a thing. Fascinating.
- My 2020 Hackintosh Hardware Spec — Core i9-9900K & Aorus Master Z390 on OpenCore - I briefly thought about a Hackintosh to get away from overpriced Apple hardware, but on reflection, I'm not happy with their software either, so the heck with it. Still, this is a very nice machine.
- Cryptography Dispatches - Email newsletter. The first issue covers the broken-ness of OpenPGP.
- Deviceplane - An "open source management tool for embedded systems and edge computing. We make it easy to securely update, monitor, and access your devices."
- The tools and tricks that let Ars Technica function without a physical office - After 20 years of remote work they know a thing or two.
- Aphantasia: How It Feels To Be Blind In Your Mind - Me, too.
- On Drafting an Engineering Strategy - Help for the new CTO.
- Spiderfoot - "SpiderFoot is an open source intelligence (OSINT) automation tool. It integrates with just about every data source available and utilises a range of methods for data analysis, making that data easy to navigate."
- OpenSnitch - Project working to import the Little Snitch application firewall to Linux.
- TypeScript’s quirks: How inconsistencies make the language more complex - I still don't understand what people get out of TypeScript.
- The Dark Side of Microservices - More backlash.