Double Shot #2560
My collected topical pages have moved to Topics. The conversion from dokuwiki to markdown is still a little rough, but the content is there. The source is at GitHub so feel free to offer PRs if you see something that needs fixing. Hat tip to Noval Agung Prayogo whose instructions worked perfectly for this.
- Phyphox - Use the sensors in your phone to perform physics experiments.
- Toucaan–Rethinking CSS frameworks. - A "tropical new CSS framework for the web, with fewer defaults, newer patterns and a much simpler cascade."
- CI/CD - Serverless Ebook using Gitbook CLI, Github Pages, Github Actions CI/CD, and Calibre - Pretty cool what you can build just by lashing pieces together.
- Jumpstart -A heavy-duty Rails application builder that takes care of payments, CSS, impersonation, invoicing, social logins and all sorts of other things. $149 per site.
- Userlist - Customer messaging tool for SAAS companies to help with onboarding and engagement. 14-day trial, pricing from $49/month.
- Rewriting the heart of our sync engine - Dropbox has moved to Rust, but the interesting part here is their checklist of things to think about when you're considering a crucial rewrite.
- GitHub for mobile is now available - Personally I want fewer things on my phone rather than more, but it might work for you.
- The Troublesome Active Record Pattern - I dunno, it's never troubled me much. Maybe I live a sheltered life.