Double Shot #2593
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS’ snap obsession has snapped me off of it - Sounds like the latest Ubuntu release might be one not to hurry to.
- lit - "world's smallest responsive css framework* (395 bytes gzipped and minified)"
- Docker swarm - setup and usage - Docker does have a native orchestration technology, though I'm not sure anyone uses it.
- - A generator for gitignore files with many options.
- PigCI - Gem to monitor Rails performance as part of your test suite.
- Rich’s sh (POSIX shell) tricks - I hope I never need to know this stuff.
- Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by opportunity cost - Your team can't do everything at once.
- systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective - I'm not taking a side in the war over systemd, but this is a detailed look at how we got to where we are today on Linux system management.
- A May of WTFs: Let's hear about all the potholes, roadblocks, and roundabouts! - The Rails team is promising to focus some attention on the parts of the framework that annoy you.
- Happiness is… a freshly organized codebase - How the Slack iOS team tackled a big reorganization of source code directories.