Double Shot #2645
- Tufte CSS - Bringing some of Edward Tufte's design ideas to the web.
- System of a test: Proper browser testing in Ruby on Rails - "See how to ditch Java-based Selenium in favor of leaner, meaner Ferrum-Cuprite combo that uses Chrome DevTools Protocol directly through pure Ruby."
- Rails 6.1 adds support for where with a comparison operator - Personally, I'd just write SQL WHERE clauses.
- Do you want to explore or diagnose a problem? Try Mints - A customized MacOS log browser.
- ops - Gem to implement simple automation configured in a YAML file.
- When your coworker does great work, tell their manager - Some good thoughts on what sponsorship can look like.
- All the Ways to Make a Web Component - June 2020 Update - I don't think I really needed 33 different alternatives but here they are.