Double Shot #2659
- GPU.JS - "GPU accelerated JavaScript". Be afraid.
- 6 Must-Read Books for New Technical Leads - Some of these are on my "stay away" list, but I respect diverse opinions.
- Prawn 2.3.0 - Now including OTF font support.
- Some common hiring manager mistakes. - A collection of things that new hiring managers struggle with.
- Changes to SameSite Cookie Behavior – A Call to Action for Web Developers - It's really about time to stop ignoring this.
- GLab - "GLab is an open source Gitlab Cli tool written in Go (golang) to help work seamlessly with Gitlab from the command line."
- usbkill - "an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer."
- Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2 - Wordpress has released one of their internal collaboration tools.