Double Shot #2692
- 6 red flags I saw while doing 60+ technical interviews in 30 days - Crappy things your company should not be doing.
- Rewriting the Technical Interview - Possibly the most ridiculous FizzBuzz of all time.
- Rails Concerns: To Concern Or Not To Concern - Some architectural thinking.
- Is the AWS Free Tier really free? - "No. No! Oh my god no. It absolutely is not."
- The Infosec Apocalypse - "The rise of tooling for vulnerability detection combined with pressure driven by Vendor Due Diligence is causing a massive enterprise freezeout for non-mainstream technologies across the board."
- Introducing RediSearch 2.0 - "RediSearch, a real-time secondary index with full-text search capabilities for Redis, is one of the most mature and feature-rich Redis modules."