Double Shot #2697
- Docable - "docable will create an interactive notebook from a Markdown file. Docable works by translating markdown files into interactive cells, which can be run, edited, and shared."
- Adobe unveils ambitious multi-year vision for PDF: Introduces Liquid Mode - So basically they're trying to stay relevant by reinventing HTML?
- New Release: Tor Browser 10 - I'm glad Tor is out there, though I wish I believed the NSA couldn't successfully attack it.
- Packwerk - "Packwerk is a Ruby gem used to enforce boundaries and modularize Rails applications." I hope I never work on a Rails app large enough to require this.
- On YOLOsec and FOMOsec - Exploring some security antipatterns.
- Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs - Good explanation, though I think I'd rather stay a dinosaur.