Double Shot #2703
- Startup Hiring 101: A Founder's Guide - "This guide is for early-stage startups who have raised enough money to hire their initial team."
- NestedText: A Human Friendly Data Format - An attempt to do better than YAML or JSON.
- Concise Encoding - And another attempt, this time with a binary wire format and a human-friendly display format.
- Xen on Raspberry Pi 4 adventures - "To our surprise and astonishment, the Raspberry Pi 4 was the very first platform to have physical addresses different from DMA addresses"
- Reader Mailbag: AWS Services - "A lot of AWS billing models tie directly to things that are impossible to calculate in advance."
- Neuron 1.0 released - "Neuron is a note-taking tool based on Zettelkasten, that aims to be future-proof, and is optimized for publishing on the web."