Double Shot #2381

Double Shot #2380

Double Shot #2379

Double Shot #2378

Double Shot #2377

Double Shot #2376

Double Shot #2375

Double Shot #2374

Double Shot #2373

Double Shot #2372

Double Shot #2371

Double Shot #2370

Double Shot #2369

Double Shot #2368

Double Shot #2367

Double Shot #2366

Double Shot #2365

Double Shot #2364

Double Shot #2363

  • Mastering Programming - Kent Beck enumerates habits and thought processes that he's observed in master programmers.
  • The Dark Side of Dark Mode - "But for the vast majority of people, the science is pretty clear—Dark Mode can hurt your productivity."
  • semantic - "semantic is a Haskell library and command line tool for parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code." Recently open-sourced by Github.
  • Logidze - Track database changes directly using triggers instead of application code.
  • Heads-down DevOps - A reminder that change comes from many people, not just the well-known conference speakers and bloggers.
  • Learn git concepts, not commands - I certainly would have been personally better off if I'd developed a mental model of git a decade or so sooner.
  • aerc - "The world's best email client," at least if you're the sort of person who delights in keyboard-driven tools in the terminal.
  • Apple replaces bash with zsh as the default shell in macOS Catalina - It'll be interesting to see how many opaque cookbook support answers from random people on the internet this breaks.

Double Shot #2362

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