Double Shot #1730

  • The Dropbox hack is real - Change your passwords. In fact, change your passwords four years ago.
  • Deploybot - Deployment as a service to a variety of hosts.
  • NX - A "next generation client-side framework" for javascripty applications.

Double Shot #1728

  • Quiet assets in Rails 5 - Now there's a sprockets setting to take care of this, so you don't need a separate gem any longer.
  • The Last Rails i18n Guide You'll Ever Need - A look at the ends and outs of internationalization, together with a pitch for PhraseApp's services to make it easier.
  • Traver - A factory gem for Ruby/Rails applications with Factory Girl compatibility and some additional syntactic sugar.

Double Shot #1718

  • Endurance - Make your Mac laptop run longer by turning off features automatically.
  • RDL - A contract DSL for ruby code.
  • Sandthorn Event Sourcing - An implementation of the event sourcing pattern for plain old ruby objects, as part of a broader alternative to ActiveRecord.

Double Shot #1716

Double Shot #1713

  • Veertu - Native virtualization for macOS to let you run Windows and Linux VMs on your Mac. Haven't looked at it in any detail but potentially promising.
  • New Ad Blocker (Beta) - From Optimal, works by dumping things at the DNS level. Assuming you want to trust their DNS servers, anyhow. Free, but they also have an optional revenue-sharing product that brings back selected ads.
  • Protocol Buffers v3.0.0 - The latest round of Google's data interchange format.

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